What is attractive about the Cultural ​Village of Vietnamese Ethnic Groups?

The Vietnamese Ethnic Cultural Village is a ​popular tourist destination located near ​Hanoi, Vietnam. It offers visitors the ​opportunity to immerse themselves in the ​rich cultural heritage of the country's 54 ​ethnic groups. The village is situated on a ​large hill, surrounded by lush, verdant ​valleys, providing a picturesque setting for ​visitors to explore.

Key ​Attractions ​And ​Experiences

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The Vietnamese Ethnic Cultural Village is designed ​to preserve and promote the unique customs, ​traditions, arts, and cuisines of each ethnic group ​in Vietnam. Visitors can engage in a variety of ​activities, including festival celebrations, ​traditional games, and experiencing the daily life ​of the different ethnic communities.

One of the main highlights of the village is the ​Ethnic Minority Village, which showcases the ​distinctive architectural styles, dress, and cultural ​practices of the various ethnic groups. Visitors can ​also visit the Cham Tower and the Khmer Temple, ​which provide insights into the diverse religious ​and historical influences that have shaped ​Vietnam's cultural landscape.